Unexpected Hiatus for The MomsThoughts Show!

07/30/2012 22:12

Hey everyone!  Well, that was a rough week.  10 days ago I found myself in an Emergency Room being told I needed to have surgery to remove my Gallbladder.  I never had a Gallbladder issue before so it was shocking.  Long story short...there were complications, I ended up in one hospital for 3 days and then another hospital for 4 days because of post op complications.  So, what does this mean?  It means The MomsThoughts Show is taking an unanticipated hiatus!  A little summer break is needed to recover from the surgery, catch up with all I missed with my family and to get my daughter ready to go off to college!  I thank you for your support and please stay tuned ....The MomsThoughts Show will be back before you know it with great guests and fun giveaways!!!!  

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